In this article, we will go through steps to create Connection Factory and Topic in Oracle Weblogic in detail
Connection Factory and Topic created here will be used in the following article to demonstrate <OSB 12c JMS Transport example using Topic>
1. Environment :
- Windows 7 OS – 32 bit
2. Pre-requisite :
- Oracle Weblogic application server is already installed in Windows 7 OS environment
3. Connection Factory and Topic creation steps :
Step 1: Login to already installed Oracle Weblogic application server using correct credentials
Once admin server is started, you can access the home page using below URL
Enter either of the following URL in to web browser
And enter username/password (weblogic/weblogic@123)
Note: Follow this article, if already Oracle Weblogic application server is not installed
Click here for domain creation steps
Step 2: Home page of the Oracle WebLogic 12c
Step 3: Follow this article, for creating new JMS Module and Connection Factory
And then next step is to create Topic in weblogic, which we will continue from below step
Step 4: Click New –> to create new Topic under JMS Module –> TestJMSModule
Navigate to Home –> Messaging –> JMS module –> TestJMSModule –> click New
Step 5: Select Topic from available options –> to create new Topic under TestJMSModule
And then click Next
Step 6: Provide suitable name for Topic and its JNDI name, for example,
- Topic Name: TestTopic
- JNDI Name: jms/test/TestTopic
And then click Next
Step 7: Select already available Sub deployment or else click “Create a New Subdeployment” to create new Sub deployment
And also select existing JMS target servers, in this demo example SOAJMSServer
And then click Finish
Step 8: Finally, new Topic TestTopic has been created successfully
In the next article<link>, we will code Java client to publish messages to topic and consume messages by subscribing to topic
Related Articles :
- Oracle SOA 12c – Installation steps using Single Installer
- Oracle SOA 12c – Domain creation steps
- Oracle OSB 12c – Hello World mock service with Proxy Service
- Oracle OSB 12c – Hello World service with both Business and Proxy Service
- Oracle OSB 12c – Operational Branch example
- Oracle OSB 12c – Conditional Branch example
- Oracle OSB 12c – Service Callout and Routing Table example
- Oracle OSB 12c – Java Callout and Routing Table example
- Oracle OSB 12c – File Polling/Reading and Writing using File Transport
- Oracle OSB 12c – File Polling/Reading and Writing using FTP Transport and authentication via Service Account
- Oracle WebLogic – Steps to create Connection Factory and Queue
- JMS Client – To produce and consume messages in JMS Queue
- Oracle WebLogic – Steps to create Connection Factory and Topic
References :
Happy Coding !!
Happy Learning !!