Oracle SOA 12c – Domain creation steps

In this article, we will go through domain creation steps for SOA 12c

1. Server domain in SOA 12c :

After successfully installing Oracle SOA suite 12c, it’s time to configure server domain

We can configure three different types of domain in Oracle SOA 12c

  1. Integrated WebLogic Server’s default domain in JDeveloper (uses Java DB)
  2. Configure a standalone domain (uses Java DB)
  3. Configure a compact domain (uses Oracle DB by running RCU scripts)

All these three different types of domain creation can be used depending on the business requirements

Here, in this article we will illustrate through default domain creation which is integrated with Oracle JDeveloper 12c

2. SOA 12c domain creation steps (default domain) :

Step 1: Open Oracle JDeveloper 12c, if not already opened


Go to Windows (Menu) –> Applications Servers

Opens new explorer on the Left Hand side top with heading “Application Servers”


Step 2: Right-click on the “IntegratedWeblogicServer” –> Create Default Domain

This opens up the “Create Default Domain” wizard with default values except “password” and “confirm password” to be filled up

Step 3: Almost all the values are comes up with default values, except password

Enter password and confirm password (for example “weblogic1”) –> click OK

Optionally click the drop-down from Listen Address to see the available addresses <All Available Addresses>

Default domain configuration will be created at,


Otherwise you explicitly specify user home directory in windows environment variable i.e.;


When user home directory is set with above value, then default domain will be created at,


Note: If you encounter any error related to “memory issues” while configuring default domain, then move to next step to resolve it (Step 4)

If default domain creation is successful then you can directly start the default server instance and deploy SOA applications into the server and test them (Step 5)


Technologies tab:

  • Move over to this tab to check what runtimes are included in the integrated server
  • Make sure, “SOA Developer Template” & “Service Bus Developer Template” are included by default

Step 4: Resolving “object heap memory issues” while configuring default domain server

Adding environment variable to WLST script USER_MEM_ARGS = -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=384m
Log File:      D:\WORKSPACE\JDEV_12C_WORKSPACE\system12.\o.j2ee.adrs\BuildDefaultDomain.log
Label:         JDEVADF_12.
Product Home:  D:\Oracle\soa12c\jdeveloper\jdev\
Domain:        D:\WORKSPACE\JDEV_12C_WORKSPACE\system12.\DefaultDomain      2015-03-15 20:05:16

cmd.exe /c ""D:\Oracle\soa12c\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd" "D:\WORKSPACE\JDEV_12C_WORKSPACE\system12.\o.j2ee.adrs\""
Process started
wlst > Error occurred during initialization of VM
wlst > Could not reserve enough space for object heap
wlst > Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
wlst > Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
Elapsed time:  1944 ms


  • Browse to the file <Home_Dir>\oracle_common\common\bin\commEnv.cmd
  • Add below memory parameter into the file (before the line “if DEFINED USER_MEM_ARGS()”)
SET USER_MEM_ARGS=-Xms32m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:MaxHeapSize=512m

Step 5: Start the Integrated Weblogic server

If you see below messages in the “Running: IntegratedWeblogicServer” pane, then default domain creation is successful

[09:00:17 PM] Creating IntegratedWebLogicServer Domain...
[09:02:21 PM] Extending IntegratedWebLogicServer Domain...
[09:03:45 PM] Extending IntegratedWebLogicServer Domain...
[09:05:05 PM] Extending IntegratedWebLogicServer Domain...
[09:07:35 PM] IntegratedWebLogicServer Domain processing completed successfully.

Now, let’s start the default IntegratedWeblogicServer server

Right-click on IntegratedWeblogicServer –> Start server Instance


Finally, you will see the IntegratedWeblogicServer server started message

SOA Platform is running and accepting requests
IntegratedWebLogicServer startup time: 718728 ms.
[IntegratedWebLogicServer started.]

And you will notice, IntegratedWeblogicServer related artifacts comes under this default domain configured after server startup


Step 6: Access the Admin console (/console), Enterprise Manager console (/em), and Service Bus console (/servicebus) using below provided URL for each one –> to check whether console are accessible and functioning properly or not

Note: Sometimes you run into memory related issues (Garbage collector overhead)


Access admin console from web browser & enter Username/Password (weblogic/weblogic1)

Similarly try out for other console i.e.;

  1. Enterprise Manger console (/em)
  2. Service Bus console (/servicebus)

Related Articles :

References :

Happy Coding !!
Happy Learning !!

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