In this article, we will learn and understand the steps to connect database using JDBC API from Java application
JDBC connection steps :
Step 1: Loading or registering driver class
Step 2: Opening database connection
- Step 2.A: Creating and getting connection
- Step 2.B: Creating JDBC Statement (or PreparedStatement or CallableStatment)
- Step 2.C: Executing SQL and MySql queries
Step 3: Closing database connection
Let us see each steps briefly with their syntax and code examples
Step 1 – Loading or registering driver class :
- static forName() method of Class class is used to load/register respective driver class for JDBC
- Syntax:
- Example for Oracle
- Example for MySql
Step 2 – Opening database connection :
- This is again split into 3 steps for better understanding purpose
Step 2.A – Creating and getting connection :
- Once after loading / registering required driver, we need to get connection to database before actually executing any SQL queries
- Syntax:
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(“dbURL”, ”username”, “password”);
- For Oracle,
Connection connection = DriverManager
Connection connection = DriverManager
Step 2.B – Creating JDBC Statement/PreparedStatement/CallableStatment :
- There are 3 types of Statement available namely Statement, PreparedStatement, CallableStatement
- Each one used for different purpose like,
- Statement : For creating statement, we can createStatement(); method of Connection interface
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
- PreparedStatement : Similarly, prepareStatement(); method of Connection interface for pre-compiled statement
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection
.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE(Id, Name) VALUES(?,?)");
- Callable Statement : prepareCall(); method of Connection interface for calling stored procedure or stored function
- For calling stored procedure,
CallableStatement callableStatement = connection.prepareCall("{call Employee_procedure(?,?,?)}");
- For calling stored function,
CallableStatement callableStatement = connection.prepareCall("{ ? = call Employee_function(?,?,?)}");
- LHS question mark (?) is used to get return value from stored function
- Note: Syntax between calling a stored procedure and stored function is bit different
Step 2.C – Executing SQL and MySql queries :
- To execute queries, use executeUpdate() or executeQuery() methods of Statement interface
- Syntax:
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE");
Step 3 – Closing database connection :
- Finally close connection after executing and completing all database operations
- Closing connection, implicitly closes resultset and statement too
- Note: It’s a good practice to explicitly close ResultSet and Statement in finally block of try-catch-finally sequence
- Syntax:
Related Articles :
- Java – Introduction to JDBC
- Java – JDBC Driver types
- Java – Core JDBC components
- Java – JDBC Driver list for all leading database
- Java – JDBC connection steps
- Java – An example to connect MySQL database
- Java – An example to connect Oracle database
- Java – An example to connect MS Access database
- Java 8 – An example to connect MS Access database in Java 8
- Java – JDBC program to connect IBM DB2 database running on Mainframe z/OS system
- Java – Creating database using JDBC Statement interface
- Java – Droping database using JDBC Statement interface
- Java – Creating a table using JDBC Statement interface
- Java – Inserting a record using JDBC Statement interface
- Java – Getting all list of records using JDBC Statement interface
- Java – Getting single record using JDBC Statement interface
- Java – Updating a record using JDBC Statement interface
- Java – Deleting a record using JDBC Statement interface
- Java – Dropping a table using JDBC Statement interface
- Java – Batch update using JDBC Statement interface
- Java – Batch insert using JDBC Statement interface
- Java – Creating a table using JDBC PreparedStatement interface
- Java – Inserting a record using JDBC PreparedStatement interface
- Java – Getting all list of records using JDBC PreparedStatement interface
- Java – Getting single record using JDBC PreparedStatement interface
- Java – Updating a record using JDBC PreparedStatement interface
- Java – Deleting a record using JDBC PreparedStatement interface
- Java – Batch update using JDBC PreparedStatement interface
- Java – Batch insert using JDBC PreparedStatement interface
- Java – Calling Stored Procedure using JDBC CallableStatement interface
- Java – Calling Stored Function using JDBC CallableStatement interface
- Java – Calling Stored Procedure using JDBC CallableStatement interface with Batch execution
- Java – Transaction handling using JDBC Statement interface
- Java – Transaction handling using JDBC PreparedStatement interface
- Java – Integration with Spring framework (Spring JDBC)
- Java – Where clause example using JDBC Statement interface
- Java – Like clause example using JDBC Statement interface
- Java – Order by clause example using JDBC Statement interface
- Java – Metadata of database using JDBC DatabaseMetaData interface
- Java – Metadata of Resultset using JDBC ResultSetMetaData interface
- Java – Interview question and answer on JDBC
Happy Coding !!
Happy Learning !!