Java 8 – Filter a Map by its Key and Value

In this article, we will discuss how to filter a Map by its Key & Value from a Stream using filter() method

1. Filter a Map – Before Java 8 approach :

  • A map contains 7 entries with Rank as Key and Value as Cricket Nation
  • We are filtering top 3 cricketing nation by its Key using native approach (before Java 8 version)
  • Similarly, we are filtering a Map by its value to check whether it contains String called “England

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class FilteringBeforeJava8NativeApproach {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// 1. Map - Rank of top Cricket Nations
		Map<Integer, String> rankOfCricketNations = new 
				HashMap<Integer, String>();

		// 1.1 add nations - August-2021 test rankings
		rankOfCricketNations.put(1, "New Zealand");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(2, "India");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(3, "Australia");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(4, "England");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(5, "Pakistan");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(6, "South Africa");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(7, "West Indies");

		// 1.2 iterate and print original Map
		System.out.println("All Cricket nations are :-\n");
		for(Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : rankOfCricketNations.entrySet()) {
			System.out.println("Rank: " + entry.getKey() 
			+ "\tCountry: " + entry.getValue());

		// store result in filtered Map
		Map<Integer, String> filteredMap = new HashMap<>();

		// 2. Key - get top 3 nations
		for(Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : rankOfCricketNations.entrySet()) {

			// filter to get top 3 nations
			if(entry.getKey() <= 3) {
				filteredMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

		// 2.1 Iterate and print to console after filtering
		System.out.println("\n\nKey filtering - Top 3 Cricket nation are :-\n");
		for(Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : filteredMap.entrySet()) {
			System.out.println("Rank: " + entry.getKey() 
			+ "\tCountry: " + entry.getValue());

		// 2.2 clear filteredMap

		// 3. Value - get nations on comparison
		for(Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : rankOfCricketNations.entrySet()) {

			// filter by value
			if(entry.getValue().contains("England")) {
				filteredMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

		// 3.1 Iterate and print to console after filtering
		System.out.println("\n\nValue - Filter by country :-\n");
		for(Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : filteredMap.entrySet()) {
			System.out.println("Rank: " + entry.getKey() 
			+ "\tCountry: " + entry.getValue());


All Cricket nations are :-

Rank: 1	Country: New Zealand
Rank: 2	Country: India
Rank: 3	Country: Australia
Rank: 4	Country: England
Rank: 5	Country: Pakistan
Rank: 6	Country: South Africa
Rank: 7	Country: West Indies

Key filtering - Top 3 Cricket nation are :-

Rank: 1	Country: New Zealand
Rank: 2	Country: India
Rank: 3	Country: Australia

Value - Filter by country :-

Rank: 4	Country: England

2. Java 8 – Filter a Map by its Key :

  • A map contains 7 entries with Rank as Key and Value as Cricket Nation
  • We are filtering top 3 cricketing nation by its Key using Java 8 Stream filter() by passing Predicate
  • Storing the result after filtering into a new Map
  • Finally, printing to console using Stream’s forEach() method

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class StreamFilterMapByKeys {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// Map - Rank of top Cricket Nations
		Map<Integer, String> rankOfCricketNations = new 
				HashMap<Integer, String>();

		// add nations - August-2021 test rankings
		rankOfCricketNations.put(1, "New Zealand");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(2, "India");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(3, "Australia");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(4, "England");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(5, "Pakistan");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(6, "South Africa");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(7, "West Indies");

		// iterate and print original Map
		System.out.println("All Cricket nations are :-\n");
		for(Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : rankOfCricketNations.entrySet()) {
			System.out.println("Rank: " + entry.getKey() 
			+ "\tCountry: " + entry.getValue());

		// filter top 3 nation by its Rank(key)
		Map<Integer, String> filteredMap = rankOfCricketNations
				.filter(entry -> entry.getKey() <= 3)
				.collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));

		// Iterate and print to console after filtering
		System.out.println("\n\nKey filtering - Top 3 Cricket nation are :-\n");
		.forEach(entry -> System.out.println("Rank: " + entry.getKey()  
		+ "\tCountry: " + entry.getValue()));


All Cricket nations are :-

Rank: 1	Country: New Zealand
Rank: 2	Country: India
Rank: 3	Country: Australia
Rank: 4	Country: England
Rank: 5	Country: Pakistan
Rank: 6	Country: South Africa
Rank: 7	Country: West Indies

Key filtering - Top 3 Cricket nation are :-

Rank: 1	Country: New Zealand
Rank: 2	Country: India
Rank: 3	Country: Australia

3. Java 8 – Filter a Map by its Value :

  • A map contains 7 entries with Rank as Key and Value as Cricket Nation
  • We are filtering a Map by its Value using Java 8 Stream filter() by passing Predicate for value comparison
  • Here, we are checking whether value contains is “England”
  • Storing the result after filtering into a new Map
  • Finally, printing to console using Stream’s forEach() method

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class StreamFilterMapByValues {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// Map - Rank of top Cricket Nations
		Map<Integer, String> rankOfCricketNations = new 
				HashMap<Integer, String>();

		// add nations - August-2021 test rankings
		rankOfCricketNations.put(1, "New Zealand");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(2, "India");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(3, "Australia");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(4, "England");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(5, "Pakistan");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(6, "South Africa");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(7, "West Indies");

		// iterate and print original Map
		System.out.println("All Cricket nations are :-\n");
		for(Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : rankOfCricketNations.entrySet()) {
			System.out.println("Rank: " + entry.getKey() 
			+ "\tCountry: " + entry.getValue());

		// filter by Value - counties which has 2 words
		Map<Integer, String> filteredMap = rankOfCricketNations
				.filter(entry -> entry.getValue().contains("England"))
				.collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));

		// Iterate and print to console after filtering
		System.out.println("\n\nValue - Filter by country :-\n");
		.forEach(entry -> System.out.println("Rank: " + entry.getKey()  
		+ "\tCountry: " + entry.getValue()));


All Cricket nations are :-

Rank: 1	Country: New Zealand
Rank: 2	Country: India
Rank: 3	Country: Australia
Rank: 4	Country: England
Rank: 5	Country: Pakistan
Rank: 6	Country: South Africa
Rank: 7	Country: West Indies

Value - Filter by country :-

Rank: 4	Country: England

4. Java 8 – Filter a Map by both Key & Value :

  • A map contains 7 entries with Rank as Key and Value as Cricket Nation
  • In this example, we are filtering a Map by both its Key and Value by passing 2 Predicate conditions with logical AND (&&)
  • First, it will evaluate on the basis of Key that whether rank is under 3 and then second condition is evaluated to check whether Nation name starts with “I” for Value comparison
  • For above Predicate conditions, we got 1 result which is India and its Rank is 2
  • Note: Likewise we can combine one or more Predicate condition based on our requirement with logical AND, OR, etc.

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class StreamFilterMapByKeysAndValues {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// Map - Rank of top Cricket Nations
		Map<Integer, String> rankOfCricketNations = new 
				HashMap<Integer, String>();

		// add nations - August-2021 test rankings
		rankOfCricketNations.put(1, "New Zealand");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(2, "India");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(3, "Australia");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(4, "England");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(5, "Pakistan");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(6, "South Africa");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(7, "West Indies");

		// iterate and print original Map
		System.out.println("All Cricket nations are :-\n");
		for(Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : rankOfCricketNations.entrySet()) {
			System.out.println("Rank: " + entry.getKey() 
			+ "\tCountry: " + entry.getValue());

		// filter top 3 nation by its Rank(key)
		Map<Integer, String> filteredMap = rankOfCricketNations
				.filter(entry -> entry.getKey() <= 3 && entry.getValue().startsWith("I"))
				.collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));

		// Iterate and print to console after filtering
		System.out.println("\n\nCountry starts with 'I' and Rank under 3 :-\n");
		.forEach(entry -> System.out.println("Rank: " + entry.getKey()  
		+ "\tCountry: " + entry.getValue()));


All Cricket nations are :-

Rank: 1	Country: New Zealand
Rank: 2	Country: India
Rank: 3	Country: Australia
Rank: 4	Country: England
Rank: 5	Country: Pakistan
Rank: 6	Country: South Africa
Rank: 7	Country: West Indies

Country starts with 'I' and Rank under 3 :-

Rank: 2	Country: India

5. Java 8 – Filtering a Map & Joining :

  • A map contains 7 entries with Rank as Key and Value as Cricket Nation
  • In this example, we are filtering a Map by both its Key for all Nation whose rank is under 3
  • Mapping the resulting Values (Nation name) into a String by Collectors.joining() with comma(,) as separation between 2 values and prefix as opening curly-braces ‘{‘ and postfix as closing curly-braces ‘}

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class MapFiltertingAndJoining {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// 1. Map - Rank of top Cricket Nations
		Map<Integer, String> rankOfCricketNations = new 
				HashMap<Integer, String>();

		// 1.1 add nations - August-2021 test rankings
		rankOfCricketNations.put(1, "New Zealand");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(2, "India");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(3, "Australia");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(4, "England");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(5, "Pakistan");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(6, "South Africa");
		rankOfCricketNations.put(7, "West Indies");

		// 1.2 iterate and print original Map
		System.out.println("All Cricket nations are :-\n");
		for(Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : rankOfCricketNations.entrySet()) {
			System.out.println("Rank: " + entry.getKey() 
			+ "\tCountry: " + entry.getValue());

		// 2. Map filtering by values and joining
		String result = rankOfCricketNations
				.filter(entry -> entry.getKey() > 3)
				.map(map -> map.getValue())
				.collect(Collectors.joining(", ", "{", "}"));

		// 2.1 print to console
		System.out.println("\n\nFiltering & Joining - Countries with Rank above 3: \n" 
				+ result);


All Cricket nations are :-

Rank: 1	Country: New Zealand
Rank: 2	Country: India
Rank: 3	Country: Australia
Rank: 4	Country: England
Rank: 5	Country: Pakistan
Rank: 6	Country: South Africa
Rank: 7	Country: West Indies

Filtering &amp; Joining - Countries with Rank above 3: 
{England, Pakistan, South Africa, West Indies}


Happy Coding !!
Happy Learning !!

Java 8 - Stream collect() method with examples
Java 8 - Filter null and empty values from a Stream