Eclipse + Maven – How to import Maven project with pom.xml ?

In this article, we will see steps to import Maven project in Eclipse IDE


We already,

1. Importing maven project in Eclipse IDE:

Step 1: Locate maven project with pom.xml file at the root-level

  • Location – C:\Maven_Projects\Spring-Boot-Maven

Step 2: In Eclipse, right-click on the project-explorer or package-explorer and select Import option which opens another dialog-box

  • Alternatively, you can use Menu options in Eclipse IDE i.e., File Menu –> Import option

Step 3: In the dialog-box, choose Existing Maven Projects under Maven from import wizard

Step 4: Above action will open up new dialog-box for Importing Maven projects by providing path

  • Click Browse option
  • Browse for the Maven project path under Root Directory which will populate pom.xml for that corresponding project
  • Click Finish to import project

Step 5: Finally Maven project with all its artifacts imported to Eclipse Workspace, now we can build, install with Maven mvn commands

  • Note: reason for error with red-cross ribbons needs to be identified and rectified

That’s it !!

2. Useful Eclipse IDE shortcuts :

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Happy Coding !!
Happy Learning !!

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