In this article, we will discuss runtime mechanism i.e.; what happens internally when any Java program executes
- Normally (graceful termination)
- Abnormally (abnormal termination or exception scenario)
1. Graceful termination:
- Sample Java program to understand runtime mechanism in a normal condition
package in.bench.resources.exception.handling;
public class TestRuntimeMechanismForNormalCondition {
// main() method - start of JVM execution
public static void main(String[] args) {
// callMethodOne() method
public static void callMethodOne() {
// callMethodTwo() method
public static void callMethodTwo() {
// callMethodThree() method
public static void callMethodThree() {
System.out.println("Invoked method"
+ " Three SUCCESSFULLY from method Two");
Invoked method Three SUCCESSFULLY from method Two
- In the above example, there is no system or programmatic exception/error
- Therefore, program executed successfully without any exception and prints message in the console
- Finally program terminates i.e.; graceful termination
1.1 Runtime Stack for Normal execution:
- When program executes (normally or abnormally), JVM creates runtime stack for every thread spawned from that particular program (to store all its information like method call, etc)
- Since, in the above example there is only one thread is spawned i.e.; main thread
- Therefore, JVM creates one runtime stack for main thread and stores every method in the order (invoking order)
- Each entry in the runtime stack is known as Activation Record. Alternatively, it is also called as Stack frame
- For the above example, which executes normally JVM invokes first method call i.e.; main()
- So, an entry in the runtime stack is stored
- Note: generally, this is 1st method call from JVM for standalone program
- main() method executes which has call to another static method called callMethodOne()
- callMethodOne() method has a call to another method called callMethodTwo()
- Similarly, callMethodTwo() method has a call to another method called callMethodThree()
- As there is no further invocation from method three, this is last entry into the runtime stack and thus there are 4 entries in the runtime stack as shown in the above figure
- In the reverse order, all entries into runtime stack will be exited one-by-one after corresponding method execution
- So, callMethodThree() will be executed and its entry from runtime stack exited
- In this way, next in line will be callMethodTwo(), callMethodOne() and finally main() method
- Now, runtime stack won’t contain any entries i.e.; it will be empty
- Finally, JVM destroys empty runtime stack
2. Exception scenario:
- This sample code throws exception during execution
- Note : this program is same as that of previous program, except we made changes to throw exception
package in.bench.resources.exception.handling;
public class TestRuntimeMechanismForAbnormalCondition {
// main() method - start of JVM execution
public static void main(String[] args) {
// callMethodOne() method
public static void callMethodOne() {
// callMethodTwo() method
public static void callMethodTwo() {
// callMethodThree() method
public static void callMethodThree() {
int result = 19/0;
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException:/ by zero
at in.bench.resources.exception.handling
at in.bench.resources.exception.handling
at in.bench.resources.exception.handling
at in.bench.resources.exception.handling
- This program is similar to the one, we have discussed in the earlier scenario i.e.; graceful termination
- But in this exception scenario example, last method is tweaked to throw exception
- Let us understand what happens in the runtime stack
2.1 Runtime Stack for Exception:
- When this program is executed, similar to last program there will be 4 entries into runtime stack for each method call as there is no exception raised until 4th method
- Now when 4th entry (i.e.; 4th method) executes, it encounters an exception and it looks for exception handling code in the same method
- But there is no handling code in the method therefore it create exception object and passes control over to JVM along with exception object
- JVM exits currently executing method (i.e.; 4th entry removed from stack) abnormally and looks for handler code in the caller method (i.e.; 3rd entry in the stack)
- Since JVM doesn’t find any handling code here, so similar to last step currently executing method exits (i.e.; 3rd entry removed from stack) and method terminates abnormally
- This continues until it reaches main() method and every entry in the runtime stack will be exited
- Even in main method, there is no handler code therefore corresponding entry will be removed from runtime stack and main method terminates abnormally
- Finally JVM destroys runtime stack after it becomes empty and passé the control to Default exception handler along with the exception object
- Finally, overall program terminates abnormally and default exception handler prints exception information in the console
Related Articles:
- Java – Exception Handling
- Java – Exception Hierarchy
- Java – 5 important keywords in Java Exception handling
- Java – Runtime mechanism, what happens when exception is thrown ?
- Java – Checked Exception v/s Unchecked Exception
- Java – Exception propagation
- Java – try-catch block
- Java – finally block
- Java – try with multiple catch blocks
- Java – Nested try-catch block
- Java – Returning value from method having try-catch-finally blocks
- Java – return statement with finally block
- Java – final v/s finally v/s finalize
- Java – Various methods to print exception information
- Java – throw keyword
- Java – throws keyword
- Java – throw v/s throws
- Java – Difference between throws clause and try-catch-finally block
- Java – Rules for Exception handling w.r.t Method Overriding
- Java – User-defined or Custom exception
- Java – Difference between ClassNotFoundException v/s NoClassDefFoundError
- Java – Top Exception and Error
- Java – Interview question and answers on Exception Handling
- Java 7 – try with resources
- Java 7 – multi-catch block
Happy Coding !!
Happy Learning !!